A Unique Journey Through Time: Tours Egypt

The pyramids are a symbol of ancient Egypt, a reminder of how powerful and advanced the country was during their time. However, visiting these wonders is not just about seeing the pyramids themselves. There is more to this journey than meets the eye! A true journey through time takes you beyond what you might normally see on a typical tourist of Egypt tour Packages.

The Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza are the world’s oldest and largest monumental structures. They were built as royal tombs for the pharaohs, who ruled Egypt from 2800 to 2300 BC. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing today.

The ancient Egyptians constructed these massive pyramids using thousands of workers–some estimate that there may have been as many as 100,000 laborers working on all three sides at once!

Every year millions of visitors come here to see this amazing place firsthand and learn more about its history.

Egypt tour Packages

The Valley of the Kings and Queens

The Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where the pharaohs of the New Kingdom (1550-1069 BC) and later dynasties were buried. The tombs are cut into the rock, and most of them are open to visitors.

The first pharaohs buried here were Thutmose III (1479 – 1425 BC) and Ramses II (1279 – 1213 BC). From then until about 1000 A.D., more than 60 tombs were excavated in this area by various rulers. Only one tomb was excavated after that time – that of King Tutankhamun (1333 – 1323 B.C.) who ruled for only 9 years before dying at age 19 from an arrow wound inflicted during a battle with his half-brother/rival Akhenaten whose tomb has never been found because no one knows where he was buried!

The Tombs of the Nobles

The Tombs of the Nobles are located on the west bank of the Nile, near Luxor. They date from the New Kingdom (1570-1069 BC) and were carved into the cliffs of Theban Necropolis. The tombs were very well preserved, as they had been covered by sand for many years until they were excavated in 1885-1886 by French archaeologist Fernand Bisson de la Roque.

The nobles who built these tombs belonged to what was known as “royal families,” or people who held positions within government or religious institutions such as priests, scribes, or artists. Some famous pharaohs such as Tutankhamun have also been found buried here alongside other members of royal families such as Ramses II

Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple is the largest temple in Egypt, located on the banks of the Nile in Luxor. It was built by Amenhotep III during his reign (1390-1352 BCE), who dedicated it to Amun-Re. The temple served as an important place where people could worship their gods, as well as being a center for festivals and celebrations.

Although it has been damaged over time due to natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods, Luxor Temple has been restored by archaeologists and remains one of Egypt’s most important archaeological sites; this makes it an excellent choice if you’re interested in seeing what life was like thousands of years ago!


There are many interesting things to see on tours of Egypt, but the most popular destinations for tourists are the Pyramids of Giza and Luxor Temple. These two sites are world-famous for their historical value and beauty, so it’s no surprise that people come from all over the world just to see them!