Attention! Read: 5 Signs Your Himalayan Salt Lamp Is Fake


Everyone seems to be hopping onto the Himalayan salt trend these days, with many people looking for the benefits of lighting up their home, loft apartment or office space with a salt lamp. You won’t find a yoga studio nowadays without a Himalayan salt lamp, which is made of gorgeous pink crystals and emits a soft, dim light. As the popularity of Himalayan Salt Lamps grows in Australia, one of the most often asked questions we get is regarding fake Himalayan Salt Lamps and how to tell the difference. In this article, find out 5 tips to verify that you are not buying a fake product!

1. Slight discolouration

One way to tell if your himalayan salt lamps australia is fake is by its colour. Real Himalayan salt lamps are typically a light pink or orange colour. If your lamp is any other colour, it’s likely a fake.

Another way to tell if your Himalayan salt lamp is fake is by its size. Real Himalayan salt lamps are typically large and heavy. If your lamp is small and light, it’s likely a fake.

Lastly, you can tell if your Himalayan salt lamp is fake by its price. Real Himalayan salt lamps are typically expensive. If you find a Himalayan salt lamp for a very low price, it’s likely a fake.

2. Chaotic Salt Layers

One of the most common signs that your Himalayan salt lamp is fake is if the salt layers are chaotic.

If the salt layers are all over the place and not neatly stacked, then it is likely that your Himalayan salt lamp is not genuine.

Himalayan salt lamps are made from blocks of salt that are mined from the Himalayan mountains. The salt is then cut into thin slices and placed on top of each other to create a lamp.

If the salt layers are not arranged neatly, then it is likely that your Himalayan salt lamp is fake.

Another sign that your Himalayan salt lamp is fake is if the cord is not made from real copper.

Salt lamps are made with a metal base and a copper cord. If the cord is not made from real copper, then it is likely that your Himalayan salt lamp is not genuine.

himalayab salt lamps

3. Light Inconsistency

One of the most important things to look for when you’re trying to identify a fake Himalayan salt lamp is the inconsistency of light. If the light emanating from the lamp is not consistent, it’s likely not a genuine Himalayan salt lamp.

Himalayan salt lamps are made from chunks of Himalayan salt that have been hollowed out and fitted with a light bulb. The light that shines through the salt is meant to be consistent and calming.

If the light from your Himalayan salt lamp is flickering or too bright, it’s likely not a real Himalayan salt lamp. One way to test this is to put your hand over the top of the salt chunk. If the light is too bright or if it flickers, it’s not a real Himalayan salt lamp.

Another way to tell if a Himalayan salt lamp is fake is by looking at the colour of the light. A real Himalayan salt lamp will emit a reddish-orange hue, while a fake one will often emit a yellowish light.

4. Dissolved material

While Himalayan pink salt is known for its beautiful colour, some fake Himalayan salt lamps will use cheaper white salt that has been dyed pink. If you’re concerned that your lamp may be fake, look at the colour of the salt. If it’s an amazing pink colour, it’s likely real. However, if the colour is more of a dull pink or even white, it’s likely that the lamp is fake.

Additionally, authentic Himalayan salt lamps will dissolve over time due to the high moisture content in the air. This leaves a mineral residue on the surface of the lamp, which can be wiped away. Fake Himalayan salt lamps, on the other hand, are made of materials that don’t dissolve and will remain unchanged even after many years.

5. The Shape

When most people think of a Himalayan salt lamp, they think of a large chunk of pink rock salt. However, these lamps can come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

One of the most common indicators that a Himalayan salt lamp is fake is its shape. If the lamp you are considering purchasing is not in traditional chunk form, it is likely not a real Himalayan salt lamp.

Other shapes that Himalayan salt lamps can come in include spheres, pyramids, eggs, and even tea light holders. If you are unsure about the authenticity of a Himalayan salt lamp, ask the seller for more information about the product.