Few Suggestions For Cooking With Teff Flour

best teff flour

Teff flour is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s gluten-free and high in fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It also has a light texture that makes it ideal for baking. Teff flour has been used in many cultures for centuries to make pancakes, crepes, and injera—a flatbread that served as the original inspiration for this blog post! Here are some suggestions on how to use the best teff flour in your own kitchen:

Teff flour can be used to make pancakes.

Teff flour is a good source of protein and iron, making it an excellent ingredient for pancakes. Injera, the Ethiopian flatbread made from teff flour, is often eaten with other food. The bread can be used to scoop up stews and sauces or cradles pieces of meat or vegetables in its crepe-like layers. Teff flour can also be used to make crepes; simply combine one cup of teff flour with 2/3 cup water or milk (or any combination thereof) until smooth and pour into a small skillet over medium heat. Once bubbles appear on the surface of your pancake batter, flip it over and cook on both sides until golden brown.

Teff flour can be used to make injera.

Another dish that can be made with teff flour is injera. Injera is a sourdough pancake that has been eaten in Ethiopia and Eritrea for centuries. It has a spongy texture and a sour taste. It’s made by fermenting teff flour, water, and salt together until the mixture resembles a batter. Then it’s poured onto an iron griddle to cook into a thin pancake shape—similar to crepes or pancakes! Teff is also a good source of magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. It’s rich in fiber and has no cholesterol. It’s also a good source of protein. Teff is gluten-free but contains gluten-like proteins called prolamins that may cause a reaction in some people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Teff flour can be used to make crepes. Crepes are thin pancakes that can be made using a variety of ingredients. The most common crepe recipe includes flour, egg, and milk; the flour used in this recipe is teff flour. You can make your own crepe batter or purchase it at a grocery store or online. Teff flour has many benefits for those who have allergies to gluten or wheat as well as those who want to eat healthier. Try adding vegetables, seeds, and herbs like spinach, basil, and thyme to create delicious meals! To store them properly so they last longer than one day: keep them refrigerated in an airtight container until you’re ready to use them again!

Teff flour can be used in bread

Teff flour is a great gluten-free alternative to wheat flour and can be used in bread and other baked goods. Teff flour contains more protein than any other flour, making it a healthy choice for those who need more protein in their diets. It also has a low glycemic index, so it won’t cause your blood sugar levels to spike as many other gluten-free flours do. Teff flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in many recipes. It has an earthy flavor that pairs well with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and other spices. It’s also suitable for making flatbreads, cakes, and cookies. When you’re baking with teff flour, use it in place of one-third to one-half the amount of wheat flour called for in a recipe. Teff flour absorbs more moisture than wheat flour, so add an extra tablespoon or two of liquid to any recipe using teff flour.


Teff flour is a great ingredient to have in your pantry. It can be used to make delicious foods, and it’s also nutritious. If you haven’t tried cooking with teff flour before, now is the time!