How to Optimize & Promote Your Videos for SEO in 2023?

SEO Adelaide

SEO is not dead. It’s just changing a bit. The good news is that you can still use SEO Adelaide to grow your business and build authority, even if you don’t have an in-house team or budget for it. You can do this by optimizing the content on your website and creating videos that target relevant keywords. In fact, the video might be one of the most powerful tools in your SEO arsenal right now! Video SEO is the process of optimizing a video for search engines. It is not the same as optimizing your website or blog, which is done with text content. In fact, there are some key differences between these two types of content and how they can be optimized to help with organic traffic generation.

What is Video SEO?

Video SEO is the process of optimising your video content for search engines. In other words, if you want people to see your videos, you need to optimise them so that they show up in search results when someone searches for a topic relevant to your video. Getting videos ranked higher in search results isn’t exactly new—this has been common practice since the early 2000s—but it’s become increasingly important as more people are searching for content online and using Google Video Search (formerly YouTube) as their default destination. In fact, there are more than 2 trillion hours of watch time on YouTube every month!

How has video SEO changed?

As we’ve said, SEO Adelaide Service is more important than ever. It’s become one of the most powerful tools in your digital marketing toolbox—but it wasn’t always this way. There was a time when you could simply upload your video to YouTube and expect it to show up at the top of Google’s search results. But now, as more people are watching videos on their phones and using Google Video Search (formerly YouTube) as their default destination, there’s an increasing need for marketers to optimize their content in order to get it ranked higher in search results.

Ways to Optimize Your Video for Search

#1: Choose the Right Video Hosting Platform

When choosing a video hosting platform, you should consider the following:

  • Ease of use
  • Customer service
  • Reputation with search engines and SEO experts
  • Price and features (including analytics)

#2: Insert a Video Transcript

One of the best ways to optimize your videos for SEO Adelaide is to incorporate a transcript into your video. This can be done using a transcription service, but if you’re looking to save time and money, consider using a video editor like Magisto. This video editing software allows users to automatically generate transcripts by syncing speech with text or by adding closed captions in real-time. You can then use this transcript as both an internal document and a way to help with search visibility and rankings.

#3: Make Sure Your Thumbnail Image Is Engaging

  • Make sure your thumbnail image is engaging, eye-catching, and relevant.
  • It should not be misleading.
  • The content of the video should be clearly visible from the thumbnail image.
  • Your thumbnail image should not have text on it or anything else that would distract viewers from what they will see when they click to play the video.

#4: Pay Attention to the Title and Description of Your Video

The title and description of your video are important factors in SEO. The title should be descriptive (but not overly long), include keywords, and be relevant to the content of the video. The description should provide some context for viewers by explaining what they will learn from watching it. The video’s description should be long enough so that search engines can read it and understand its relevance to their users’ queries. If you’re using a plugin like Thrive Content Builder, there’s an option to add meta descriptions that will automatically show up in Google Search results when your page loads (see image below). Finally, consider including calls-to-action (CTAs) in both your title and description so that people know exactly what action you want them to take once they’ve finished watching your video.

#5: Ensure the Rest of Your Page Is Relevant to the Video and Optimized for SEO

Once your video is published, make sure that the rest of your page remains relevant to the video. For example, if you’re publishing an article about how to do something on YouTube, make sure that everything else on that page is also related to YouTube (e.g., other videos or guides). Additionally, ensure that all of these pieces are optimized for SEO. This might mean creating internal links from within them to other pages on your site or linking back out to some external sites as well. The same goes for user experience design: make sure it works smoothly and looks attractive so people will want to stay there longer!


Video SEO is more important than ever, and there are many ways for you to optimize your videos in order to get more traffic from Google. We hope this article has given you some ideas about how to improve your own video SEO Adelaide strategy. If you’d like more information on how we can help with this at our agency, please contact us today!