Is Teff Flour a Better Alternative to Wheat Flour – Here’s to Know Why?

teff flour

I’ve been a diehard fan of teff flour for years. It was one of the first alternative flours that I discovered, and it has never failed to impress me with its deliciousness. In fact, it’s the only flour I use in my baking these days! So why should you consider using teff flour? Let me tell you:


For those who suffer from wheat allergies and gluten intolerance, teff flour online is a great alternative because it has no gluten. The reason for this is that teff has one of the lowest proline (a protein) contents of any grain, which means it’s much more easily digested than other types of flour. People with wheat allergies or sensitivities should avoid white flour because it contains high levels of proline—the main culprit behind their symptoms. Symptoms include bloating, rashes and fatigue, among others, depending on your sensitivity level. You may also have trouble breathing if you’re severely allergic to wheat; however, if you just have a mild allergy we recommend avoiding processed foods with high amounts of wheat in them like cakes and pastries. There are tests available that can determine if you have an intolerance to gluten by checking your blood levels after consuming certain foods or drinks which contain large amounts of this protein-rich substance, such as beer or bread made using traditional methods using wheat flour instead opting for products made using ingredients like oats instead (which don’t contain any type).

High in Dietary Fiber

There’s a reason why fibre is an important part of any diet. It helps keep you full, lowers cholesterol, and keeps your digestive system healthy. Fibre also helps lower blood sugar levels and can even help prevent heart disease. What’s more? The high-fibre content in teff flour makes it a great option for anyone who wants to enjoy their favourite foods without the guilt or extra calories that often come along with them.

It Has a Low Glycemic Index

The Glycemic index is a way of measuring the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. The GI ranks foods based on how they affect your body, so it’s a good indicator of how much they’ll affect you. Teff flour has a low glycemic index—it won’t cause your blood sugar to spike and crash like other flours can do with their high GIs. For example, white wheat flour has a GI of 70; whole wheat flour clocks in at 55; soybean oil has 36; coconut oil has 32, and teff flour gets an impressive 14! That means that if your goal is to stay away from processed sugars and keep your insulin levels under control, then teff is just what you need!

Good Source of Calcium and Magnesium

Teff flour is a great source of calcium and magnesium, two minerals that are important for strong bones. The body needs to get these nutrients from food sources because it can’t produce them on its own. This means that our diets have to contain enough calcium and magnesium-rich foods in order to keep our bones strong. Magnesium also helps with heart health, so adding teff flour to your diet could help reduce your risk of heart disease! Teff flour contains high amounts of both calcium and magnesium, which are especially beneficial for bone health because they make it easier for the body to absorb them into the bloodstream. Calcium is also an important nutrient when it comes to keeping your teeth strong; without enough calcium, tooth enamel can become weak or even start breaking down altogether (which leads us back into the world of periodontitis). Teff is an excellent source of fibre—another helpful nutrient when it comes to keeping you regular! It is Naturally Sweet The deliciousness of teff flour is due to the fact that it’s naturally sweet. This can be attributed to its high sugar content. For example, the highest-quality teff flour has a glycemic index score of only 15—which means that it won’t cause your blood sugar to spike (as compared with wheat flour). In fact, you may not even notice any difference in taste or texture after using this alternative in place of wheat.


Teff flour has a lot to offer, including high fibre, low glycemic index, and natural sweetness. It can also be used in place of wheat flour for those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease. In fact, many people who try teff flour find that they don’t even need to make any other changes to their diet because this gluten-free grain tastes great on its own! We hope we’ve convinced you today that it’s worth giving teff flour a shot—whether as an ingredient in your favourite recipes or as an alternative to traditional flour like wheat.