Key Things to Consider Before Purchase Newborn Prams

Purchase Newborn Prams

Are you looking to buy newborn prams? If yes, this article is for you. Below are a few key things you should consider while purchasing a pram for your kids.


Many parents want to make sure that they are getting the best value for money. The last thing they want is to have spent a lot of money on a pram only for it to break down after just a few months.

Prices can range drastically, but this does not necessarily mean that the higher the price, the better quality you get. You need to consider whether you are willing to spend more money upfront to save money in the long term since you will have fewer repairs and replacements.

Quality of the pram

The quality of the pram can make a big difference in your child’s comfort as well as their safety. A good quality pram will be firm and supportive as well as durable. It should also have a good suspension for bumps in pavements. Moreover, adjustable handlebars should help you find the best position for you. And finally, remember that your child may outgrow their pram before too long, so buy one with adjustable height options to suit them better as they grow.

Your needs

There are many types of newborn prams to choose from. Consider the following before making a decision:

  • the number of children
  • age of your children
  • where you will be using the stroller most often
  • how long do you plan to use the stroller for
  • your budget

If you are aware of your needs, you can easily select the best pram that is perfect for your kids. On the other hand, when you don’t analyse all of your needs, you make a huge mistake of choosing the wrong prams.

Type of pram

There are three major types of prams. These are the traditional stroller, the jogger and the side-by-side.

The traditional stroller is a good choice for carrying their baby around in a closed unit. It is a good option for those who need a lightweight and compact pram that doesn’t offer much storage space.

The jogger is perfect for those parents that have an active lifestyle or just want to keep up with their children. This type of pram is not suitable for newborns as it can be difficult to adjust it to fit them correctly. However, it’s great if you want your child from age six months onwards to ride comfortably alongside you or your partner as they run errands or go on family walks around the

A side-by-side pram is a type of pram that has two seats, allowing it to be used for twins or two children of different ages. These prams are usually more expensive than single seats because they have more features and offer a higher comfort level.

Safety features

To choose a pram, one should consider the safety features.

Some of the safety features that we must look for in a pram are:

  • The design and material of the pram.
  • Wheels and brakes.
  • Weight limit, harness system and the headrest.
  • The ease of folding and unfolding, compatibility with car seats such as baby carriers, strollers and pushchairs.

When you are aware of what you should be looking for, you will be able to find the best prams. If your baby will spend a lot of time in the pram, make sure it gives the support and comfort they need.

Storage space

Space is a crucial consideration for most parents when purchasing a stroller for their kids.

One of the main reasons why people want to have a stroller with ample space is to have the ability to put in more things when they go out. This can include drinks, snacks, coats, and even a purse.

The more space newborn prams have, the more they can accommodate all these items.