Tips For Making The Most Of Your Display Home

When you buy a new home, you want everything to be perfect. But with so many details to consider, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips for making the most of your display homes in Tarneit.

Look for signs of wear and tear

  • Look for signs of wear and tear. If there are holes in the wall, or marks on the flooring, it could be an indication that the home has been rushed through its construction. This can be an indicator of poor quality or even shoddy workmanship.
  • Ask questions about what’s included in your display home package and whether any add-ons are available. If you’re looking at buying a brand new house with all the bells and whistles, then this won’t matter so much; but if you’re thinking about upgrading later on down the track (and who doesn’t?), then being able to see what options are available will help when deciding which direction to go in terms of renovations and upgrades.

Ask questions about the brand of materials used in your display home. You may be surprised at how much difference there is between manufacturers and their products, so it’s worth learning as much as you can before making a purchase decision.

Spend a day at the construction site

The best way to get a sense of what your new home will be like is to spend a day at the construction site. You’ll be able to see how the house was built, how it’s constructed, and whether or not there are any shortcuts taken in terms of quality materials or insulation. If you can’t visit the construction site in person, try to find a video of it. You’ll be able to see how the house was built, how it’s constructed, and whether or not there are any shortcuts taken in terms of quality materials or insulation. If you see a problem, ask your builder to fix it. If they don’t comply, ask for a discount on your contract price. If that doesn’t work, cancel the contract and find another builder whose workmanship is up to par with your expectations.

Don’t overlook the small details

Look for signs of wear and tear. A display home is a showroom, and it should be treated like one. If you see any scuffs or scratches on the walls or floors, don’t gloss over them–they’ll only get worse over time. Spend a day at the construction site. If possible, spend some time at your builder’s office to discuss with him or her how best to care for your new home (and any problems that may arise). It’s also worth asking if there are any tips they could give you about how best to maintain it once it’s yours!


We hope your display homes Tarneit experience is a positive one, and that you enjoy the process of moving in. Display homes are a great way to get an idea of what living in a different area feels like before making a final decision about where you want to live. Let us know how it goes!