What is the first thing you should do if a person is unconscious and not breathing?

CPR course Brisbane

If you’re in a situation where someone is unconscious and not breathing, the first thing you should do is call for help. This is when the CPR course Brisbane becomes the most valuable skill that you aquicred.

The emergency number differs from country to country, so it’s best if you find out which one before dialling it up. Then come up with a plan for what to do next—like calling 911 or trying CPR yourself—and get going on that plan right away!

Put them in the recovery position

When a person is not breathing, you should immediately put them on their side. As per CPR course Brisbane, this position will help keep the airway open and clear.

The second thing to do is to keep the person warm by covering them with a blanket or two layers of clothing.

If there’s no heat in your house, get some blankets from somewhere else until you can get someone to call ambulance for help or go see if anyone has any extra ones around the house—or just put one on yourself!

Check for breathing

If you’re in a situation where a person is unconscious and not breathing, the first thing you should do is check for breathing. This can be done by looking, listening and feeling for their breath.

Look: Does their face appear pale? Is their skin clammy?

Listen: Can you hear any audible gasping or wheezing sounds from them?

Feel: Is there any change in their skin colour (redness) if they are alive?

CPR course Brisbane

You should dial the country-specific emergency number

If you’re the one who found a person unconscious and not breathing, it’s important to keep talking until help arrives. This will help them stay alive longer and decrease their risk of death.

When dialling the emergency help number of your country, you should stay on the line as long as possible so that emergency services can get there quickly enough to help them in time.

If you need to leave your call because another person needs your attention or there’s something else that needs doing, don’t worry about it—you’re only delaying the response time for an already-long process!

Till the help arrives, give them CPR

If someone is not breathing or has stopped breathing, it’s important to give them CPR that you have learned in the CPR course Brisbane. A person who isn’t breathing can become unconscious and stop breathing for a number of reasons.

The most common cause of this to happen is a heart attack. However, it could also be something as simple as being dehydrated or overheating outside on a hot day (which will make your body lose more fluid).

Check their pulse at the wrist; if there isn’t one, then check again just above their waistline where you would feel them if they were lying down next to you in bed or sitting next to you at work! This should give an indication of whether there might be something wrong with their heart so that we can get help quickly before things get worse!