What To Do When Your Hot Water Heater Leaks?

plumber altona

If you’re like many homeowners, you probably don’t think much about your hot water heater until it starts leaking. But if your tank is in the attic or basement, and not on the main level of your home, finding a leak can be tricky. The good news? A professional plumber in Altona can usually pinpoint the source of the problem and fix it quickly—and efficiently—so you don’t have to worry about going without hot water for long.

Cut the power

  • Turn off the power to the water heater.
  • Find the circuit breaker in your home that controls power to your water heater and flip it to “off.” Make sure that it’s really off by testing it (you can use a battery-operated light or something similar).
  •  If you don’t have access to a battery-operated device, find a friend who does and get them to help you make sure that all of your house’s circuits are actually turned off before attempting any work on your hot water heater.
  • If there are no accessible circuit breakers, try shutting down power at an external location like an electric service panel or main fuse box.

If shutting down power doesn’t stop your leaky hot water tank, things may be even worse!

Shut off the water

You can turn off the water at the main valve. The main valve is typically located in a basement or crawlspace, and you’ll need to find it before you can shut it off. Call plumber Altona without wasting further time. If there are valves on both sides of your hot water heater, turn one of them all the way clockwise until it stops (it will not go past that point). You should also check for an emergency shutoff valve near your hot water heater. If there is one, turn it clockwise until it stops moving. The next step is to drain out any remaining water from inside your home’s plumbing system so that when you’re finished with this project, there won’t be any leaks left behind!

Drain the water tank

If you have a leaking hot water heater, it’s essential that you drain the tank as soon as possible. The best way to do this is with a siphon pump (available at most hardware stores). The first step is to turn off your home’s water supply at the main valve.  Then, place the end of your siphon pump into a bucket and secure it by placing a clamp around it so that there is no chance of losing suction when removing or draining any remaining water from inside your tank.  Next, disconnect one end of your hose from its connecting point on top of your tank and place one end into another container such as another bucket or garbage can (this will help contain any overflow). Finally, attach another end of the hose onto the opening in the side wall through which water flows out during normal operation mode; once all connections are made carefully pull up the handle until all fluid has drained out completely! Once this process has been completed, safely dispose of waste material created during the draining process according to local ordinances/laws governing disposal methods in the specific regions where reside

Let a professional plumber handle the job properly.

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t have all the necessary tools in your toolbox to handle a leaky hot water heater. You’d be better off letting a professional plumber handle the job properly. The first reason to call in a professional is safety—a leaking hot water heater can be an extremely dangerous hazard if it’s not handled properly. A second reason is that a professional has the tools and knowledge needed to fix it right the first time without causing further damage.  This means saving you money on labor costs by avoiding rework or future repairs down the road and also helping prevent any potential electrical issues from developing as well as other problems that can arise from trying to repair something yourself (such as gas leaks). Finally, if there are any warranty issues regarding your unit, then having an expert plumber Altona take care of them will ensure that these claims will be honored by manufacturers without issue so long as they were performed according to proper installation specifications provided by manufacturers themselves.


So, we’ve covered a bit about the dangers of hot water heater leaks and what you can do to avoid them. But if you do have a leak, don’t try to fix it yourself! Instead, call in an experienced plumber who knows how to handle these situations safely—don’t risk your safety or property by taking matters into your own hands.