What Types Of Factory Seconds Whitegood Fridges Can You Buy?

Welcome to our blog post all about Factory Seconds Whitegood Fridges! In this post, we’ll be giving you an overview of what factory seconds whitegoods perth are and some of the different types of whitegood fridges that you might be able to find as a factory second.

Factory seconds are goods that have been damaged in some way during production but are still perfectly usable. They might have a dent or scratch, or maybe the packaging is damaged. But as long as the item itself is still in good working condition, it can be sold as a factory second.

So what types of whitegood fridges can you buy as factory seconds? Read on to find out!

Top-Mount Fridge/Freezers

One type of fridge that you might be able to find as a factory seconds whitegoods perth is a top-mount fridge/freezer.

These are the most popular type of fridge in Australia, and they usually have the freezer compartment sitting on top of the fridge part.

One advantage of top-mount fridges/freezers is that they tend to be more affordable than other types of fridges.

Factory Seconds Whitegood Fridges

Side-by-Side Fridge/Freezers

Another type of fridge that you might be able to find as a factory second is a side-by-side fridge/freezer.

These fridges have the refrigerator and freezer sections next to each other, and they often come with features like water and ice dispensers. Side-by-side fridges/freezers can be a great choice if you’re looking for a lot of storage space, but they tend to be more expensive than top-mount fridges/freezers.

Bottom-Mount Fridge/Freezers

One more type of fridge that you could potentially find as a factory second is a bottom-mount fridge/freezer.

These fridges have a freezer compartment sitting at the bottom, and they’re becoming increasingly popular in Australia.

One advantage of bottom-mount fridges/freezers is that they tend to be easier to open if you have arthritis or another condition that makes it difficult to reach up high.

Counter-Depth Refrigerator

Another type of fridge that you might be able to find as a factory second is a counter-depth refrigerator.

 These refrigerators are shallower than standard fridges, so they can fit flush with your countertops.

Counter-depth refrigerators are available in both top-mount and side-by-side models, and they’re a great choice if you’re looking to save space in your kitchen.

Mini Fridge

If you’re not looking for a full-sized fridge, you might be able to find a mini fridge at a factory seconds whitegoods Perth. Mini fridges are perfect for small spaces like apartments or dorm rooms, and they can be a great way to keep drinks and snacks cold.

So there you have it! These are just some of the different types of whitegood fridges that you might be able to find as a factory second. Be sure to check back soon for more posts about factory seconds and other great deals on appliances!


We hope this blog post has given you some helpful information about factory seconds whitegood fridges!

Top-mount, side-by-side, and bottom-mount fridge/freezers are all potential options when it comes to finding a factory second whitegood fridge, so keep your eyes peeled next time you’re shopping around. Thanks for reading!